On this page you’l find information that might be usefull for you regarding te Energy transition of your home, as discussed within the Energy transition steering committee.
If you would like to be informed in more detail, please send a mail to:
There will be information available from Hart van de K buurt on this subject on:
If you are not het a member of the Bewonersbelangenvereniging Kantershof please feel free to browse around on this website. The Bewonersbelangenvereniging Kantershof can make a difference for all of their members. Membership only costs 10,- Euro a year!
Heads-up flyer verstuurd aan heel Kantershof
Impression of the modelhome Reigersbos
Left the new and right the old situation- Nice broad window sill, multi functional window, noice-, smell and dust tight window
Innovatie van eigen bodem met inductie je huis verwarmen
Helpt niet de warmtepomp, maar de magnetronboiler straks huizen van het gas af
Brochure in A4-V2.1 KB